USS Haynsworth DD700
* Crew Photos *

Photo archive
collection saved by:
John McAllister RM3c

Photos provided by: Marty Irons, Son-In-Law of John McAllister RM3c 44-46
John A McAllister inducted into the Imperial Domain of Golden Dragon
Photos of what a plankowner would have worn during WWII.
They belonged to my father-in-law, Jack McAllister RM3c.
The ID bracelet, though not Navy issue, was a common item worn by sailors.
It is inscribed on the back "MOM AND DAD".
Twenty year old John McAllister RM3c ~ Boston 04-46   Oct '45 ~ Gathering of radiomen and radio technicians
  L-R Top: Don Ward RM3c, Joseph Wilkerson RM3c,
  John Magliocchetti RM3c, Jack McAllister RM3c
  L-R Bottom: unknown, unknown, Paul Layden RT1c

  Navy Day: Saturday, 27 October 1945. Moored in
  Kahulai Harbor, Maui, T.H.. The Haynsworth was full
  dressed, welcoming visitors aboard in celebration
  of Navy Day.
  The October 1945 USS Haynsworth War Diary shows
  its travels to and from Middle Loch, Pearl Harbor, T.H.
  while they did a variety of daily training exercises,
  including participation in the Navy Day celebration.
Inspection ~ Note the other two DesRon 62 cans alongside the Haynsworth.
Quad 40 MM ~ Location & Sailor unknown   John Magliocchetti: This postcard was created in
  Feb '45 while he was attending Radio Striker School
  at Camp Catlin, Oahu.
Haynsworth DD700 Matchbook
Haynsworth 1991 Reunion ~ Bumper Sticker
  John McAllister RM3c's ID card.
  Discharged from Active Duty 05-09-46.
  Graduates of the radio course at Camp Catlin, Oahu,
  Territory of Hawaii, 17 March 1945. Camp Catlin was
  home to the top secret Combat Information Center
  training school.
August, 14 1945 ~ Treasure Island newsletter, The Masthead ~ Announced the war was over.